WWW Wednesday! October 12, 2016


I’m back with a WWW Wednesday!

I’m so glad I don’t have school today for Yom Kippur, IB is slowly taking my soul. I’ve read like one book this month which is really sad, but it’s okay because from the summer I’m 13 books ahead for my Goodreads reading challenge of 100 books, (I’ve read 90 books so far).

Anyways, this is a cool meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, and formerly hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading

So all you have to answer these three questions:

1. What are you currently reading?

2. What did you recently finish reading?

3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m currently reading Six of Crows book 2, the Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo! And also I was Here by Gayle Forman. 

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2) Image result for i was here by gayle forman

The pages are red outlined and it’s beautiful and the book is amazing so far and my little brother who’s 6 keeps calling it my “red book”. I’m only 69 pages in and there are like 500 plus pages so my goal for October is to at least finish the Crooked Kingdom. This is so sad though. I usually read about 10 books a month and now I’m reduced to like two. Ugh. School.

I was Here is so far not my cup of tea, but I do love Gale Forman so we’ll see since I’m only on page 47. I’m reading the e-book version of I was Here and the hardcover of the Crooked Kingdom.

You’re probably wondering why I’m reading an e-book and physical book at the same time. Well it’s because I’ve learned my lesson. Physical books are for school only because your teachers will yell at you and embarrass you in front of the whole class if you’re reading an e-book. So I read the Croooked Kingdom at school and my e-book basically any where else.

Also, I was reading After You by Jojo Moyes and got about halfway through before the e-book expired on me. 😦

After You (Me Before You, #2)

Now I’m on hold and there are like 3 people ahead of me still and given how long I waited for the book in the first place I’m probably not getting it any time soon 😦

I recently finished reading Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas and Cream of the Crop by Alice Clayton. 

Image result for empire of storms Image result for cream of the crop by alice clayton

I LOVED Empire of Storms and really liked Cream of the Crop, I have an Empire of Storms review, which you can click here to see

I’m going to read next The Score by Elle Kennedy! And if my request of It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover ever goes through, that one also.  Oh and I have to re-read Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo for Battle of the Books.

Image result for the score by elle kennedy

Speaking of the Score I got a paperback of this from the library the other day and went with my 6 year old brother and he wanted to get some Power Rangers movies so I got those for him and while we were checking everything out he was all like eww it’s on of your naked boy books (because that’s what my mom calls them) and then he tried to shield his eyes away from the book. Nice. I know.

Link me up with your WWW Wednesday’s or tell me what your three W’s are in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

Stay awesome Sassenachs!-Calliope Fraser

12 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday! October 12, 2016

  1. I too was so happy to have the day off, though I’ve been doing homework all day…

    I have the same system where I read hard copies at school and ebook everywhere else. Why do teachers yell at you for reading? Mind you I’ve had teachers take my hard copy book away and put it in the phone desk.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! You have some amazing books on here. I read all of them with the exception of EoS. I would say that I Was Here was good, but it took some time to really get into. But I might have liked it because it’s set in Tacoma/Seattle for parts of it and I am very familiar with the area.
    My WWW Wednesday.

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