The Last Day of Captain Lincoln


The Last Day of Captain Lincoln by EXO Books

Publication Date: November 15th, 2015

Publisher: EXO Books, LLC

Page Number: 107

Format Read: E-book (Review Copy)

*I was given a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

Goodreads Synopsis:

This novella is the first in a diverse series of stories about an interstellar spaceship that takes thousands of years to travel from Earth to a new home.

Suffering through his own imminent demise, Captain Lincoln’s last day is the hardest day of his life. An old, onetime Captain of the Ship, he always knew this day would come. Just as birthdays are carefully planned, so are deaths. He’d lived a long beautiful life but must now confront the reality that all aboard must one day face: his final day. And although he must reckon with his fate, this is not just a somber story. It is a tale of love and sacrifice, told in the context of the most advanced civilization ever to exist—a society that has taken to the stars in an effort to save all that is best in humanity. Follow Lincoln through his internal struggles, his joy in having lived, and his journey to peace.

The End is just the beginning.

My Thoughts:

I flew through this book in one sitting and really enjoyed myself while reading.

The world in this novella is so different and structured really well.

I loved the relationships between Captain Lincoln and everyone on the ship and felt really sad for Helen when Captain Lincoln had to go.

Dorothy and Oz was funny to me because it’s like a Wizard of Oz reference, and I’m currently reading the Dorothy Must Die trilogy. It was weird that Dorothy and Oz are a couple, but they’re also siblings, but then again this is sci-fi.

I liked how Lincoln and his siblings accepted their fate because I know if this was the typical YA novel that I usually read, the main character would never willingly sacrifice but would try to find a way out.

It was nice how mature Captain Lincoln and his siblings were and how they understand their duty to the civilization.

I found the illustrations to be pretty head turning. All of the illustrations mimicked what was being described in the novella and I found myself looking from the imagery to the illustrations and back.

And actually, on August 20th, the illustrated hardcover is being released!

Check the book out on Goodreads and at


An intriguing plot line with beautiful illustrations and imagery to accompany it

My Rating:

3.5 stars


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