Book Boyfriends! // Valentine’s Week

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As most people know, I’m obsessed with shipping book characters and squealing about hot fictional characters so I thought, why not devote the week leading up to Valentine’s Day to my favorite books and their couples.

Today I will be sharing my book friends!

Rowan Whitethorn!


First introduced in Heir of Fire, I completely fell in love with Rowan and loved his platonic relationship with Celaena!

Will Herondale

Obviously Will Herondale has to make this list at number 2 because Will Herondale is amazing. I know that a lot of other people, including Tessa Gray claim that Will isn’t mine, but he is, trust me.

Jamie Fraser


Duh. It’s Jamie!


I know there’s a lot of controversy surrounding this trilogy and Warner, but I happen to be a fan…of both the books…and Warner!



Again, there are a lot of Tamlin lovers out there, but I like Rhysand a bit better. (Though Tamlin is just as fine)

Percy Jackson

I grew up with this guy and admire Annabeth so much and Percy is just the best as well.

Captain Thorne


Oh I knew I was forgetting a couple from my favorite couples list! I love Thorne and think that Cress and him are adorable! But you know, also think he’s adorable.

Miles Archer


I loved Miles from Ugly Love a lot, and that love has increased now that Nick Bateman is playing him in the movie. Yup.

Finnick Odair


Oh Finnick. I thought that the cuteness between him and Annie was great and I loved his backstory a lot. 😦


I just finished Air Awakens and I’m digging both Aldrik and his brother, either one doesn’t matter to me

So those were my top 10 book boyfriends. Some runner ups include:


Maxon, Arin, Four, Dorian/Chaol

Oh wait, I forgot to include Khalid and Shazi on my favorite couples list! You know, from the Wrath and the Dawn!

Ooh, and another runner up on this list could be:


Cedric Diggory!

So that is all for today!

Let me know some of your book boyfriends in the the comments! Do we share any?

Also, am I allowed to say Magnus Bane as a book boyfriend? He is a freewheeling bisexual so…

Stay awesome Sassenachs!-Calliope Fraser